Bill Pay


Sign up for the freedom of Bill Pay and simplify your life.

When you have Bill Pay from Nucor Employees Credit Union, you’ll have more freedom to enjoy life. Here’s why: Bill Pay gives you convenience, savings and security.

You won’t have to worry about stamps, envelopes or trips to the post office. Bill Pay lets you pay your bills electronically, all in one place. And you can make payments anywhere, anytime, even when you’re traveling. It also works around your life, because you can schedule single or recurring payments in just a few steps. Then you’ll never worry about missing a bill or late fees.

Bill Pay is also the fastest way to keep tabs on your payments. Now you can track your payments history at a glance, and follow all your past, present and future scheduled transactions. You can also set up helpful e-Notifications that send you a quick reminder when payments are due or notify you that a bill has been paid.

Enhanced security is one more reason to sign up for Bill Pay. It helps you guard against identity theft from lost or stolen checkbooks and bills. That’s because you’ll be able to pay your bills online instead of by unsecured mail. You’ll also maintain tighter control of your account with real time access to your payments activity. And you’ll have increased privacy, because only you can access your account information, account numbers, and payment history.

Those are all smart reasons to sign up for the freedom of Bill Pay.

how much does bill pay cost?

We have made Bill Pay available to you without a fee if you follow the 2 criteria below:

1. Sign up to receive your credit union statements electronically*, and

2. Use Bill Pay to pay a bill at least once every 3 months.

If both of the criteria are not met, your account will be charged $5 per month.